Friday, April 22, 2016

EarthDay2016: Happy Earth Day!!!

So last year I put together a blog for Earth Day, and I would like to continue the Earth Day Blog tradition, because this is a pretty important day in my book. I mean without our earth, no other holidays would matter because we wouldn’t be here right?

So this year, instead of giving you tips on how to help the planet today, I am going to just focus on Composting. With the up coming moving date to our new house, my fiancĂ© and I have been having many discussions about what we are going to be able to add to our house and garden, and one thing that we both agreed on was a compost pile. Growing up my parents had an open compost pile, which made it much easier to find additional soil for our huge garden.  So now we have decided on an open compost for the new house. We are going to use a tarp probably to help dampen them smell for the neighbors, but personally I never minded the smell.
Here is how we are making our open compost pile:

• 7 lengths of 2 x 6 wood, each cut to 3'. Your lumberyard will make the cuts for you. Get exterior, rough, unplanned wood. The wood does not need to be treated with preservatives - untreated lumber will last many years. 

• Four lengths of 2 x 2 wood (or 4 x 4 ), each cut to 3' lengths.

• Galvanized common nails, 2 3/4" long. 28 nails. 

Putting it together:
• Sharpen one end of each 2 x 2 to act as stakes. This will keep your bin in place.
• Set stakes in place and drive them down into the ground with a sledge or heavy hammer.
• Nail the 3' boards to the 2 x 2's. Leave space between the boards to help aerate the pile. Pre-drilling the nail holes will make nailing easier and prevent the wood from splitting. This is where you can get creative and make your bin taller, or more air space) Make sure you keep the front low, so only nail one board on in the front so that you can easily dump into, scoop out of, and turn your pile as you need.
• Check your stakes, and drive them down to secure everything. 

What can you put in a compost pile? (From: )
Paper napkins 

Freezer-burned vegetables 

Burlap coffee bags
Pet hair 

Potash rock 

Post-it notes 

Freezer-burned fruit 

Wood chips

Bee droppings 

Lint from behind refrigerator 

Popcorn (unpopped, 'Old Maids,' too) 

Freezer-burned fish 

Old spices 

Pine needles 

Matches (paper or wood) 
Seaweed and kelp 


Chicken manure 

Leather dust 

Old, dried up and faded herbs 

Bird cage cleanings 

Paper towels 

Brewery wastes 

Grass clippings 

Hoof and horn meal 

Molasses residue 

Potato peelings 

Unpaid bills 

Gin trash (wastes from cotton plants) 


Rabbit manure 

Hair clippings from the barber 

Stale bread 

Coffee grounds 

Wood ashes 


Tea bags and grounds 

Shredded newspapers 

Egg shells 

Cow manure 


Winter rye 

Grapefruit rinds 

Pea vines 

Houseplant trimmings 

Old pasta 

Grape wastes 

Garden soil 

Powdered/ground phosphate rock 

Corncobs (takes a long time to decompose) 

Jell-o (gelatin)

Blood meal 

Winery wastes 

Spanish moss 


Fish meal

Aquarium plants 

Beet wastes 

Sunday comics 

Harbor mud 

Felt waste 

Wheat straw 

Peat moss 

Kleenex tissues 

Milk (in small amounts)

Soy milk 

Tree bark 

Starfish (dead ones!) 

Melted ice cream 

Flower petals 

Pumpkin seeds 

Q-tips (cotton swabs: cardboard, not plastic sticks) 

Expired flower arrangements 

Elmer's glue 

BBQ'd fish skin 

Citrus wastes 

Stale potato chips 

Rhubarb stems

Old leather gardening gloves 

Tobacco wastes 

Bird guano 

Hog manure 

Dried jellyfish 

Wheat bran 

Guinea pig cage cleanings 

Nut shells 

Cattail reeds 


Granite dust 

Moldy cheese 



Shredded cardboard 

Dolomite lime

Cover crops

Quail eggs (OK, I needed a 'Q' word)

Rapeseed meal 

Bat guano 

Fish scraps 

Tea bags (black and herbal) 

Apple cores 

Electric razor trimmings 

Kitchen wastes 

Outdated yogurt 

Toenail clippings 

Shrimp shells 

Crab shells 

Lobster shells 

Pie crust 

Leather wallets 

Onion skins 

Bagasse (sugar cane residue) 

Watermelon rinds 

Date pits 

Goat manure 

Olive pits 

Peanut shells 

Burned oatmeal (sorry, Mom) 

Lint from clothes dryer

Bread crusts 

Cooked rice 

River mud

Tofu (it's only soybeans, man!) 

Wine gone bad (what a waste!) 

Banana peels 

Chocolate cookies 

Wooden toothpicks 

Moss from last year's hanging baskets 
Stale breakfast cereal 


'Dust bunnies' from under the bed 

Pencil shavings 

Wool socks 

Artichoke leaves 

Leather watch bands 

Fruit salad 

Tossed salad (now THERE's tossing it!) 

Brown paper bags 

Soggy Cheerios 

Theater tickets 

Lees from making wine 

Burned toast 

and Animal fur 

Horse manure 

Vacuum cleaner bag contents 

Coconut hull fiber 

Old or outdated seeds 

Macaroni and cheese 

Liquid from canned vegetables 

Liquid from canned fruit 

Old beer 

Wedding bouquets 

Greeting card envelopes 


Dead bees and flies 

Horse hair 

Peanut butter sandwiches 

Dirt from soles of shoes, boots 

Fish bones 
Ivory soap scraps 

Spoiled canned fruits and vegetables 

Produce trimmings from grocery store 

For some other ideas as to what you can do for earth day, check out The International Business Times 2015 Earth Day activities.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Bye Bye DTCC

For the past 2 1/2 years I have been in school non-stop. Summer semesters, spring breaks, internships, you name it. I have spent every waking minute of my life at Delaware Technical Community College working on becoming an Entrepreneur,  and before that a personal trainer. So with the ammount of time I spent there, I decided that it would be the perfect place to hold classes. Last Jan is when I started my YTT and it was suggested that I start teaching small groups so that I could get the hang of it, so I did. I started a volunteer program at my school where twice a week I would come early and hold a yoga class. Every Tuesday and Thursday for 4 semester now I have holding morning yoga classes from 7:45-8:30
I am so grateful to those students and faculty who have been there with me a incentives the brining of my yoga journey. Who put up with the terrible akostics of the racket ball courts where we practice. To those who took a chance with me and tried some of my other classes, even if the studios were way out of the way for you. Over this stretch of time I have taken many a photos of you all and your progress, and so I am compiling all of the pictures I still have so that I can share these wonderful memories you all have given me. That I will hold and cherish as I continue this journey. 
Lets get Class Started!!!

The Time that Step aerobics left out their steps from the night before and I was really debating weather or not to try to turn our class into step-yoga...

Walking in on Thursdays and seeing this meant today is going to be a good day.
When I set out on a mission to get everyone to try acro... starting with Connor

Spinal Twists are always great!

The times we had a really full classes, with new people...
And the times we had not so many.

Im serious Spinal twists are the best!

Savasana is my fave!!!

Drews first time doing Acro!!!

Hamstring Strength Building

This years Power Yoga Flyer

This years Restorative Yoga Flyer
The time we turned class into Meditation time

Tim and I used to practice Acro Yoga a lot!
Core Work

That time everyone got really mad at Utkatasana 

The time I got hot computer guy aka Peter parker aka his real name is Craig guys... to do some acro with me!!!

I am finally graduating and these classes will unfortunately be coming to an end as of Thursday, April 21. I will miss you all!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Thoughts for 4/11/16

Wow, we are almost ½ way through April. I seriously feel as though I have done nothing this entire month. The only things I can honestly remember doing this month are being really tired and thus taking a lot of naps. This bums me out though. It makes me feel like I am not doing my job right or that I am not cut out for what I do, so I decided to take a more serious look at what I have accomplished this month so that I can get a better idea as to how productive I have been so far.

1 Prepared and finalized 2016 first Quarter taxes
2 Finished my business plan or when I up and move everything to Media
3 Finished every project, assignment, and homework for every class up till graduation day (so all I have left is exams)
4 Programmed two 4 week workshops, and 1 workshop by myself, and I have one more in the works
5 Programmed an additional 2 workshops with friends, and have 2 more in the works
6 Branched my company out to a new product line and am now offering retail
7 Started my summer deals for personal training
8 I didn’t die

I always add the didn’t die, because with my anxiety, no matter how much I shut down those fears and know that my stress isn’t going to kill me, I’m always happy to say that I didn’t die as an accomplishment.  I was hoping to come up with a list of 10 accomplishments, and if I add the house parties, and mommy duties to that list I would have 10.

As someone who constantly looks at the situation with “what is the worst outcome possible” it is nice to look back sometimes and see that the worst did not happen, and that everything is still ok.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Forever Easter Eggs

Personally I like to keep mementos of holiday crafts from one year to the next and Easter eggs are the same. For years  I have spent teaching my friends about how to create ester eggs that wont spoil or go bad and that you can essentially keep forever, and now I would like to pass this on to everyone else I know. 

Things you will need:
-Something sharp (if you have a needle this is ideal) if you so not a small and sharp knife will do the trick.
- raw eggs (because I do these every year, I try to only make 2-3 that will last forever otherwise my house would become over run with eggs, but remember they are super fragile so if you are clumsy, make a few more)
Optional: markers, paints, dye, stickers, rubber bands, crayons,

Step 1: Holding the egg as it comes in the crate, create 1 large hole at one end of the egg and a slightly smaller hole at the other end

Step 2: Blow into the smaller hole pushing the yoke and white out of the larger hole (if this becomes difficult, try enlarging the bigger hole, or sticking the needle in further to break up the yoke) and into a bowl.

Step 3: Rinse your eggs under some water or try blowing water through them as well. Then let them dry.

Step 4: Paint!!! We use all the same techniques as we do with other eggs, like rubber bands, stickers, crayons, dye, markers, and paints. Be creative with these guys, they will last you a lifetime.

Here are some eggs we used crayons to write a message on or draw lines

Here is one we used rubber bands on (be careful with the rubber bands not to wrap them too tightly, because these eggs will break more easily than hard boiled ones)

Here are some we markered on.